Copyrighting - Open Textbook
Image by Jess Bailey Designs on

Developing a board game can be a thrilling creative endeavor, but protecting your game from being copied or stolen is equally crucial. Copyrighting your board game is a process that can provide legal protection for your unique creation. By understanding the steps involved in copyrighting your board game, you can safeguard your intellectual property and ensure that your hard work remains exclusively yours.

Understanding Copyright and Its Benefits

Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection granted to original works of authorship, including board games. By obtaining a copyright for your board game, you gain the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and sell your game. Copyright protection also extends to derivative works based on your original game, giving you control over any adaptations or expansions.

Creating the Game Components

Before you can copyright your board game, you need to ensure that all components of the game are original and not copied from existing games. This includes the game board, cards, tokens, rules, and any other elements that make up the gameplay experience. Taking the time to develop unique and creative components will strengthen your copyright claim and make your game stand out in the market.

Documenting the Creation Process

To establish your ownership of the board game and its components, it is essential to document the creation process. Keep detailed records of when and how the game was developed, including concept sketches, design iterations, playtesting feedback, and any revisions made along the way. This documentation can serve as evidence of your authorship in case of any disputes over ownership.

Registering Your Copyright

While copyright protection is granted automatically upon the creation of your board game, registering your copyright with the United States Copyright Office provides additional benefits. By registering your copyright, you create a public record of your ownership and gain the ability to file a lawsuit for copyright infringement. The registration process typically involves submitting a copy of the game and its components, along with the necessary forms and fees.

Protecting Your Game Design

In addition to copyrighting your board game, you may also consider protecting its design elements through a design patent. Design patents cover the ornamental aspects of a functional item, such as the unique shape of game pieces or the visual layout of the game board. By obtaining a design patent, you can prevent others from creating similar-looking games and strengthen your intellectual property rights.

Enforcing Your Copyright

Once you have successfully copyrighted your board game, it is important to monitor the market for any potential infringements. Keep an eye out for games that closely resemble yours or use similar gameplay mechanics, components, or themes. If you believe that your copyright has been infringed upon, seek legal counsel to explore your options for enforcement and protection.

Conclusion: Safeguarding Your Board Game

Copyrighting your board game is a crucial step in protecting your creative work and ensuring that you have the exclusive rights to your game. By understanding the processes involved in copyrighting your board game, from creating original components to registering your copyright, you can establish a solid foundation for safeguarding your intellectual property. Stay vigilant, enforce your copyright when necessary, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your board game is legally protected.